Braddell Brothers – Singapore – Advocates & Solicitors since 1883

+65 6499 9490

The Braddells of Singapore


Braddell Brothers
have a strong grasp of complex and sophisticated matters with an ability to propose ingenious approaches with their depth of legal knowledge.” “Singapore-based law firm Braddell Brothers has a diverse practice with experience across a range of issues including medical negligence claims, breach of agreement lawsuits and recovery of monies disputes. The team acts for companies and individuals, and for plaintiffs and defendants, on both litigation and mediation. The firm is further experienced in conspiracy and fraud cases involving former employees.”

– Chambers & Partners, Asia Pacific 2023

Braddell Brothers LLP, a boutique dispute resolution and prevention practice, focuses on litigation, international commercial arbitration, mediation and all forms of ADR. The practice acts against large financial institutions, multinational corporates and states. Key area of focus include commerical litigation and arbitration, injunctions and pre-emptive relief, as well as medical negligence and misconduct. Practice head Edmund Kronenburg handles disputes across the commercial and corporate, energy and natural resources, media and telecommunications, breach of confidence, defamation, medical and healthcare, and employment areas.”

– Legal 500, Asia Pacific 2023

“Excellent skills in litigation and arbitration.” 
“Good client communication. Nice people with whom to work on a professional level. Very responsive and with good judgment.” 

– Benchmark Litigation : Commercial & Transactions 2021

“Boutique dispute resolution firm Braddell Brothers LLP covers litigation, arbitration, and mediation, offering strategic solutions to clients in a range of industries. Lead partner Edmund Jerome Kronenburg regularly appears at all levels of Singapore courts and in international arbitrations in disputes regarding employment, insolvency, and medical negligence and misconduct. Angelia Thng also appears on behalf of the Singapore Medical Council in disciplinary proceedings and is experienced in complex matrimonial litigation.

– Legal 500, Asia Pacific 2022

Braddell Brothers LLP has a fine dispute resolution heritage with increasing prominence in court applications and proceedings linked to arbitrations, including challenging and defending arbitral awards. It has a fine reputation for injunctions and disputes involving private clients and high net-worth individuals. Moreover, the firm has an established record in medical negligence and misconduct cases, along with employment, media and fraud disputes. Edmund Kronenburg has an outstanding reputation.”

 – Legal 500, Asia Pacific 2021

Braddell Brothers LLP has plenty of big-case experience, including in the High Court and Court of Appeal. The firm has a strong reputation in Singapore and around Southeast Asia. It successfully represented PT First Media in resisting enforcement of a $250m Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) arbitration award in both the Hong Kong and Singapore courts. The practice is also recommended for injunctions and cases involving high-net-worth individuals.”

Braddell Brothers LLP specialises in labour and employment work and has a wide range of experience across disputes and advisory matters, including handling wrongful dismissal claims, pension scheme disputes and advising on contracts and workforce transfers or employment terminations … [Its counsel] defended a number of individuals against allegations of breaches of fiduciary duties, duties of good faith and fidelity, and conspiracy to injure initiated by their ex-employer.”

 – Legal 500, Asia Pacific 2019

Braddell Brothers LLP has demonstrated genuine commitment to the arbitration field with regular engagements in cases under SIAC, ICC and UNCITRAL rules. Arbitration cases now account for at least 50% of the firm’s sizeable dispute resolution practice.”

“A prominent boutique firm in the dispute resolution field, Braddell Brothers LLP frequently appears in the High Court and the Court of Appeal of Singapore. The firm has handled a series of major freezing injunctions since 2011 with a combined value of over $1bn …”

Braddell Brothers LLP’s team handles a wide range of matters including contract drafting, preparing employee handbooks and immigration-related advice, in addition to managing employee terminations and related contentious matters for employees as well as employers … Other highlights included handling employment aspects of corporate restructuring proceedings …”

 – Legal 500, Asia Pacific 2018

“High-value international arbitration is a major growth area at Braddell Brothers LLP … the team handles a broad spectrum of cases involving SIAC, ICC and UNCITRAL rules, among others. Another strength lies in emergency relief applications.”

– Legal 500, Asia Pacific 2017

“[The] team at Braddell Brothers LLP provides ‘great, practical, no-nonsense advice’ in international arbitrations …”.  

– Legal 500, Asia Pacific 2016

“The ‘strong and experienced litigation team’ at Braddell Brothers LLP … Areas of expertise include insolvency, tort, family and medical negligence; emergency relief and pre-emptive actions are particular strengths.”

“The ‘dedicated lawyers’ at Braddell Brothers LLP are praised for their ‘attention to detail’ and ‘management of highly complex cases’…”

– Legal 500, Asia Pacific 2015

Braddell Brothers LLP is a ‘small but long-established firm’ which ‘punches above its weight’ in arbitration matters…”

 – Legal 500, Asia Pacific 2014

Representative Cases
Representative Cases

International Arbitration – SIAC Rules / Construction / Indonesian Law

Acting for a prominent Indonesian-headquartered developer in a Singapore-seated SIAC arbitration brought by a stated-owned Chinese construction joint-venture claiming over S$275 million in damages in relation to a major construction project in Jakarta, Indonesia, where the main contract was governed by Indonesian law and the dispute was concurrently the subject of orders made by Indonesian courts in PKPU (Debt Suspension / Restructuring) proceedings.

International Arbitration – SIAC Rules / Telecommunications 

Acting for a global telecommunications company in a Singapore-seated SIAC arbitration against a prominent Chinese telecommunications company involving claims and counterclaims amounting to several hundred million USD arising from global licence agreements and alleged violations of FRAND (Fair Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) requirements.

International Arbitration – SIAC Rules / Commodities 

In 61 consolidated SIAC arbitrations seated in Singapore, acting for the Singapore commodities trading arm of a Swiss-headquartered multinational corporation against a Singapore trading firm concerning purchases of benzene and toluene that allegedly should never have been entered into, due to a lack of authority on the part of the Singapore trader’s representative.  

International Arbitration – SIAC Rules / Media & Broadcasting

In a SIAC arbitration and related Singapore court proceedings involving a worldwide freezing injunction, acting for a global sport and entertainment network headquartered in the Middle East against an Indonesian broadcaster claiming payment exceeding US$14 million under various Licence Agreements.

International Arbitration – ICC Rules / Commodities 

In an ICC arbitration seated in Hanoi, Vietnam (and as instructed counsel to Indochina Legal, Vietnam), acting for a European-headquartered leader in the processing and trading of dried edible pulses and other speciality crops against a Vietnamese corporation involving the sale of raw cashews from Africa to Vietnam.  

Singapore Litigation – Employment / Breach of Fiduciary Duties / Fraud 

Acting for a prominent American multinational software corporation in various claims against a former Singapore-based senior employee and various sub-contractors involving breaches of fiduciary duties, misrepresentation, conspiracy and fraud.  

Singapore Litigation – Recovery of Funds Held By BVI Corporation

Acting for a Cayman Islands corporation in recovering over US$8 million held by a British Virgin Islands (BVI) corporation in a Singapore bank account, controlled by a Singapore-registered fund management company arising from an aborted investment into a now-deregistered BVI corporation.

International Arbitration – Resisting Enforcement of US$250M SIAC Arbitral Award

Acting for PT First Media Tbk, a prominent Indonesian telecommunications company (part of the ‘Lippo’ group of companies) in successfully blocking the enforcement of over 99% of an US$250 million SIAC arbitral award (i.e. reducing the enforceable amount to approx. US$700,000 only) that had been made by a tribunal of three renowned English arbitrators in favour of various claimants from the ‘Astro’ group of companies.  The challenge to enforcement led by Edmund and his team culminated in a landmark decision delivered on 31 October 2013 by Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon in the Singapore Court of Appeal after two prominent Queen’s Counsel – Toby Landau QC (for First Media) and David Joseph QC (for Astro) – were granted ad-hoc admission to the Singapore Bar to argue the dispute as instructed counsel before the Singapore High Court (in July 2012) and then the Singapore Court of Appeal (in April 2013).  The case received wide coverage in the Singapore, Indonesian and Malaysian press and the Global Arbitration Review.  Subsequently, over 2013 – 2018, Edmund and his team assisted CordellsRompotis in the successful setting-aside of parallel enforcement proceedings in Hong Kong where US$50 million of the client’s assets had been garnished.  This case is today a hot-topic in arbitration circles around the globe.

Singapore Litigation – Complex Matrimonial Dispute / New York Pre-Nuptial Agreement Fully Enforced 

Acting for a Singapore businessman in a highly-acrimonious 9-year matrimonial battle with his American wife (represented by a prominent Singapore law firm) involving complex child-related issues (including relocation away from Singapore) and a pre-nuptial agreement that the parties had signed in New York, governed by New York law, which a Judicial Commissioner of the Singapore Family Justice Courts eventually upheld and enforced in the man’s favour after many rounds of argument, rejecting the wife’s attempts to disavow the agreement on the alleged grounds of misrepresentation, thereby hoping to secure a share of the man’s assets which she claimed exceeded US$100 million. This may be the first (and perhaps only) case of a pre-nuptial agreement made under a foreign law being fully enforced by a Singapore court, denying the wife’s claims for division of matrimonial assets and spousal maintenance.

Singapore Litigation – Medical Negligence / Boy In Persistent Vegitative State  

Acting for the father and litigation representative of a young man who just a few days before his 21st birthday attended at the emergency department of a Singapore hospital complaining of a severe asthma attack, but then suffered a pulmonary collapse while being treated, resulting in him being in a Persistent Vegetative State (PVS).

Singapore Litigation & Coroner’s Inquiry – Medical Negligence / Death Following Knee Replacement Surgery 

In a Coroner’s Inquiry and a subsequent High Court suit, the family of an elderly German lady, who died following her popliteal artery and vein being severed in a knee replacement surgery performed by a Singapore orthopaedic surgeon in a prominent Singapore private hospital.

Singapore Litigation – Medical Negligence / Man In Persistent Vegitative State  

Acting for the wife and son of a patient of a Singapore mental institution (as instructed counsel to Intelleigen Legal LLC) who suffered a choking incident while restrained during and after feeding, leading to his being in a Persistent Vegetative State, being mentally incompetent and requiring constant medical treatment for the rest of his life.

International Arbitration – SIAC Rules / Energy (Coal) / Indonesia

Acting for an Indonesian energy company and a related Singapore company in their claim against a prominent Indian coal-industry tycoon and his related Singapore company. The Indonesian clients sought declarations denying the respondents the return of a US$30 million part-payment towards a US$100 million deal for the joint development of a coal concession in Kalimantan, Indonesia.  The respondents in turn claimed that the deal was procured by fraud and/or conspiracy and attempted to commence action in the High Court of Singapore in contravention of the SIAC arbitration clause.

International Arbitration – ICC Rules / Energy (Enhanced Oil Recovery) / Indonesia

Acting for an Indonesian oil company in a complex but successful ICC arbitration (the client’s claim exceeded US$100 million and the counterclaim – which was later dismissed in the client’s favour – exceeded US$300 million) against one of Indonesia’s most prominent state-owned companies involving a dispute over the latter’s refusal to fulfil its obligations under an Enhanced Oil Recovery contract and failure to act in “good faith” in accordance with Article 1338 (3) of the Indonesian Civil Code.

International Arbitration – ICC Rules / Telecommunications 

Acting as co-counsel to a multinational European telecommunications company in an ICC arbitration commenced against a Chinese mobile telephone manufacturer involving breach of contract, alleged anti-competition issues, a jurisdictional appeal to the Singapore High Court (which we defeated) and a concurrent anti-competition claim before the Chinese courts.

Singapore Litigation – Medical Negligence / Misdiagnosis of Cancer

Acting as instructed counsel for the widow of a man whose skin specimen was mis-diagnosed by a laboratory as being “non-malignant” when it actually had characteristics that were suspicious for cancer. Due to the mis-diagnosis, the man was deprived of treatment for his melanoma for 2 years, which subsequently spread and eventually killed him.  In March 2018, the Singapore High Court awarded the man’s dependants and estate the sum of S$1.24 million in damages.  This is one of a mere handful of successful medical negligence cases brought by patient-claimants before the Singapore High Court.

Singapore Litigation – Medical Misconduct / Disciplinary Proceedings / Appeal to Court of Three Judges

Acting for the Singapore Medical Council (“SMC”) in defeating an appeal brought by Dr Jen Shek Wei – a senior obstetrician and gynaecologist – against his conviction and sentence by the Disciplinary Tribunal of the SMC. The Court of Three Judges (“C3J”) – comprised of 3 members of the Singapore Court of Appeal – upheld Dr Jen’s conviction in respect of his having advised his patient to undergo surgery to remove her ovarian mass without carrying out further evaluation and investigation of her condition and without obtaining informed consent.  This case was legally significant as the C3J agreed with our submissions on behalf of the SMC that the consent form, although signed by the patient, did not conclusively prove that the patient had given her informed consent as required under the SMC’s Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines that all doctors in Singapore have to abide by.

Singapore Litigation – Medical Misconduct / Disciplinary Proceedings / Appeal to Court of Three Judges

Acting for the Singapore Medical Council in appeal by a medical practitioner against the decision of the SMC Disciplinary Tribunal that had convicted the doctor of professional misconduct and “inadequate professional services” and suspended the doctor from practice. This case was significant as it involved a conviction of a charge for Inadequate Professional Services under a new statutory provision – i.e. Section 53(1)(e) of the Medical Registration Act – the scope / ambit of which had not hitherto been determined by the Singapore courts.  The Court also had to consider the implications of a breach of an undertaking given by a doctor to the SMC in earlier disciplinary proceedings. In dismissing the doctor’s appeal, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon (delivering the decision of the Court of 3 Judges) clarified the legal principles applicable to the sentencing of a medical practitioner and the scope of various ethical duties / obligations of a medical practitioner – see Yong Thiam Look Peter v SMC [2017] SGHC 10.

Singapore Litigation – Tort / Breach of Confidentiality / Interim Injunction

Acting for a Singapore plastic surgeon in his claim against his estranged wife and related parties for breaching his confidentiality by copying data from his notebook computer, then deploying it in matrimonial proceedings against him – the case was settled amicably after the Singapore Court of Appeal upheld the interim injunction obtained by our client to prevent his wife from using the copied confidential information pending trial, and to deliver-up the copied data to us, as our client’s solicitors. This case saw the important English Court of Appeal decision in Imerman v Tchenguiz [2010] EWCA Civ 908 being considered for the first time, by the Singapore Court of Appeal.

Singapore Litigation – Complex Matrimonial / Mareva (Freezing) Injunction

Acting for an Indonesian millionaire in arguably Singapore’s largest family dispute in terms of matrimonial assets to-date. The ex-wife obtained a Worldwide Mareva Injunction against the client’s assets which she claimed to be worth around S$93 million in Singapore and in excess of US$400 million worldwide.  She sought to be awarded 50% of those assets in the divorce.  She also filed a claim for maintenance in the sum of S$450,000 per month – believed to be the highest monthly maintenance claim that Singapore has seen.  On appeal, the High Court set aside the Mareva injunction and the case was settled amicably, on a global, confidential basis, in November 2011.

Singapore Corporate Insolvency – Interim Judicial Management

Representing the petitioning creditor in a complex judicial management application against the local subsidiary of a listed multinational company in the pharmaceutical-packaging industry where the total claims of the company’s creditors involved exceeded S$80 million. We successfully obtained an interim judicial management order against the company from the Singapore High Court on behalf of the creditor. The company was eventually placed under judicial management.

Singapore Corporate Insolvency – Liquidation

Advising the liquidators of one of Singapore’s largest bunker fuel trader / supplier, where the total claims of the company’s creditors exceeded US$100 million.

Virtual Hearings
Virtual Hearings

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, our lawyers regularly appear as counsel in video / virtual court hearings, as well as mediations, having received training in virtual hearing advocacy i.e. effective techniques for making video submissions to courts and tribunals, as well as examining and cross-examining witnesses over video-link. Our Managing Partner, Edmund Kronenburg, has also conducted – as an arbitrator – video / virtual arbitration hearings over Zoom.

To find out more about representation in a virtual / video arbitration or court hearing, please click here.

360-Degree Dispute Management
360-Degree Dispute Management

We are acutely aware that “winning” encompasses not only achieving a successful outcome, but achieving that outcome efficiently in terms of time and expense, all the while ensuring a positive perception in the crucible of public opinion and the media.

We therefore manage disputes holistically, by considering every aspect, from a 360-degree perspective. This encompasses providing timely, strategic advice and guidance to our clients on :

  • Strategic correspondence when a dispute is brewing
  • Implementing a dispute resolution strategy early
  • Preserving and organising evidence
  • Avoiding the fresh generation of unfavourable evidence
  • Managing directors/commissioners, employees, shareholders
  • Managing perception in the media and public opinion

To find out how ‘360-Degree Dispute Management’ can assist you, please click here.

Arbitration – International & Domestic
Arbitration – International & Domestic

We are mindful that arbitration often requires a form of advocacy and an overall approach very different from the contentious, hard-hitting style usually employed in commercial litigation in Court.

We know this because of our lawyers’ wide-ranging experience as counsel in ICC, SIAC and UNCITRAL arbitrations in Singapore and abroad e.g. Jakarta and Los Angeles, involving disputes arising in South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Russia, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Singapore. 

Our largest arbitration dispute to-date, arising in a Singapore-seated SIAC arbitration, involves claims and counterclaims exceeding USD 4 billion

We frequently represent clients in high-value international arbitrations.  Of the many arbitrations our lawyers have handled to-date
, no less than 5 of these were complex international arbitrations having an amount in dispute exceeding USD 200 million, each.

We also advise and act as counsel for clients in disputes arising from the cross-border enforcement of arbitral awards.

Our lawyers have been consistently garnered accolades in International Arbitration from Chambers & Partners, the Legal 500, AsiaLaw, Benchmark Litigation, Who’s Who Legal and Best Lawyers.

To contact us about an arbitration, please click here.


As Singapore Advocates and Solicitors, our lawyers have the privilege of arguing cases before all levels of the Singapore courts i.e. the State Courts,the Family Justice Courts, the High Court (including the SICC i.e. Singapore International Commercial Court) and the Court of Appeal.

Aggressive litigation is our daily fare.

We never shy away from a fight.  If we need to settle a case, we settle it well.  Our lawyers are experienced in representing private clients and corporations alike, in high-stakes claims and arbitrations, frequently opposing large firms and specialist dispute resolution teams, both from Singapore and abroad.

Our disputes partners cut their teeth at Singapore’s big-four disputes practices, working with prominent Senior Counsel. At Braddell Brothers, these lawyers bring the same (if not, greater) tenacity, creativity and quality to each and every case under their care, at the same time passing – by example – these values and attributes on to our next generation of disputes lawyers.

Acknowledging the quality of our lawyers’ advocacy, other Singapore firms have instructed them to act as lead counsel in hearings and trials before the Singapore courts, as well as in arbitration hearings.

We have been consistently ranked as a Singapore Leading Firm in Dispute Resolution (Litigation) in the Legal 500 (Asia-Pacific) and garnered accolades in the same field from Chambers & Partners (Leading Lawyer), AsiaLaw and Best Lawyers.

As a further testament to the quality of our work, we have on several occasions received new briefs from parties that we previously acted against.  We are also frequently referred work from large Singapore and international firms who are unable to act for certain clients due to a conflict of interests.

To find out more about our award-winning litigation practice, please click here.

Mediation & Negotiation
Mediation & Negotiation

Resolving a dispute is sometimes best achieved without a third-party making a decision as to the disputing parties’ rights, with the parties instead agreeing to a “win-win” solution that meets their respective concerns.

Recognising this, our disputes lawyers are adept in mediation and negotiation advocacy, aimed at assisting the parties (and mediator) in identifying and achieving that “win-win” solution.

Negotiation involves an interactive discussion between the disputing parties.  In contrast, mediation is a dynamic process where a neutral third party assists the disputing parties in resolving their conflict through the use of specialised communication and negotiation techniques.

Under Singapore law, mediation is private and confidential. Settlement agreements arrived at through mediation can also be converted to Orders or Judgments of the Singapore courts for easier enforcement.

To find out more about Mediation and Negotiation, please click here.

Emergency Relief & Injunctions
Emergency Relief & Injunctions

In certain disputes, a party may not be adequately protected while the case makes its way through the court or arbitration process.  For instance, a party may be :

  • disposing of its assets to defeat a judgment or an arbitration award;
  • using or disclosing confidential information;
  • breaching a contractual obligation not to compete or solicit employees; or
  • engaging in conduct that will destroy the subject matter of the dispute, or its value.

Our lawyers therefore have expertise in applying for (and resisting applications for) emergency relief and injunctions, including the following :

  • Mareva (Freezing) Injunctions
  • Anti-Suit Injunctions
  • Interim / Interlocutory Injunctions
  • Orders for Preservation of Subject Matter of Dispute
  • Orders for Samples / Investigations
  • Anton-Piller (Search) Orders

We have to-date handled cases involving Mareva (Freezing) Injunctions with a combined value in excess of US$ 1 billion.

Also, in 2016, we successfully obtained the first reported interim injunction in Singapore against a wife-litigant to restrain her use of WhatsApp and iPhone data that she and her private investigator had unlawfully copied from her husband’s notebook computer without his knowledge or consent.

To find out more about how we can assist you with Emergency Measures and Injunctions, please click here.

Instructing King's Counsel
Instructing King’s Counsel

We firmly believe in the best possible legal representation for our clients. Our clients are therefore not limited to engaging counsel solely from within our firm, especially where the issues in dispute are highly technical or complex, or where the stakes are extremely high – as in “bet the company” litigation or arbitration.

To enhance our capabilities in high-stakes or complex cases, we have on occasion instructed the very best King’s Counsel from the United Kingdom to assist with specialist legal opinions, and to appear as counsel before the Singapore courts or in Singapore arbitrations, on an ad-hoc basis.

As an example, in October 2013, working with Toby Landau KC from Essex Court Chambers as lead counsel, we successfully represented PT First Media Tbk (a “Lippo” group company) in resisting the enforcement of over 99% of five SIAC awards, in the Singapore courts.  Of the total amount of S$352 million (US$250 million) awarded in favour of various “Astro” group companies, only approx. US$700,000 was ruled to be enforceable, given that the rest of the awards lacked jurisdiction.  This has become a landmark arbitration case in Singapore, commonly known today as the “Astro-Lippo” dispute.

For more information as to how we can work with King’s Counsel on your case, please click here.

International & Cross-Border Cases
International & Cross-Border Cases

In today’s connected world, disputes often span more than one legal jurisdiction.  Disputing parties are almost invariably based, or have their assets, in different countries.

Our lawyers are well-versed in handling disputes having an international or cross-border character.  Our expertise includes :

  • International commercial litigation
  • International commercial arbitration
  • International treaty arbitration
  • Anti-suit Injunctions
  • World-wide freezing (Mareva) injunctions
  • Conflict of laws & forum non conveniens issues
  • Enforcement of Singapore judgments and arbitral awards
  • Enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards in Singapore

Although of ‘boutique’ size, we have international reach, and work closely with a variety of foreign firms. Being a member of LEGALINK – a global network of over 65 independent law firms comprising more than 3,500 legal professionals – we are also able to collaborate closely with trusted and experienced overseas colleagues on cases that would benefit from their legal expertise.

We have also, in appropriate cases, instructed King’s Counsel from England to assist with specialist legal opinions, or to appear on an ad-hoc basis in the Singapore courts or in Singapore arbitrations involving complex or landmark disputes.

To contact us about an international or cross-border dispute, please click here.

Banking & Financial Services
Banking & Financial Services

Our lawyers have advised and represented both banks and customers alike in a variety of banking- and finance-related disputes including the following :

  • Breach of mandate
  • Confidentiality issues
  • Debt recovery
  • Enforcement of security including possession proceedings, receivership and guarantees
  • Forged cheques
  • Fraudulent use of credit cards and cheques
  • Freezing orders, search orders and third party disclosure orders served on clients
  • Litigation on behalf of lenders against professional advisers
  • Various forms of financial instruments, including letters of credit and guarantees

To contact us about a banking or financial services dispute, please click here.

Commercial & Contract
Commercial & Contract

We handle a full spectrum of commercial and contract litigation work ranging from straightforward debt claims to complex, document-intensive and multi-jurisdictional / cross-border commercial disputes.

We welcome the challenge of a difficult case.

Led by Edmund Kronenburg who brings with him experience from one of Singapore’s most prominent litigation practices, our team provides clients with practical, effective and outside-the-box solutions and strategies, tailor-made to each unique situation.

We also have extensive experience in international and domestic arbitration. 

To contact us about a commercial or contract dispute, please click here.


A breach of confidence occurs when one party unlawfully or unfairly uses or discloses confidential information he has acquired from another party.

Our disputes counsel have experience in representing claimants and defendants in court and arbitrations involving breaches of confidence, as well as in applications for pre-emptive / emergency relief and/or injunctions to restrain the use or disclosure of confidential information.

In 2016, we successfully obtained the first reported interim injunction in Singapore against a wife-litigant to restrain her use of WhatsApp and iPhone data that she and her private investigator unlawfully copied from her husband’s notebook computer without his knowledge or consent.

To contact us about a confidentiality dispute, please click here.

Corporate Restructuring & Insolvency
Corporate Restructuring & Insolvency

Our counsel have advised creditors, distressed companies as well as liquidators, judicial managers and receivers in some of Singapore’s most prominent insolvencies. Our restructuring and insolvency team has wide experience in advising clients on :

  • Corporate restructuring with court protection
  • Judicial management
  • Receiverships
  • Schemes of arrangement
  • Winding-up / Liquidations

We also provide advice and representation to distressed companies, as well as their directors, on issues arising outside or before the formal procedures outlined above.

To contact us about a corporate insolvency / restructuring matter, please click here.

Corporate, Shareholder & Partnerships
Corporate, Shareholder & Partnerships

Handling corporate, shareholders’ and partnership disputes requires a highly practical approach borne out of real hands-on experience, a firm knowledge of a client’s exact legal rights and liabilities (whether as a partner, director, shareholder or the company / partnership itself) and most of all, a keen focus on the client’s desired end-game.

Our lawyers have advised on, and acted as counsel in, a variety of such disputes, including the following :

  • Breaches of partnership agreements
  • Breaches of directors’ duties
  • Breaches of shareholder agreements
  • Oppression of minority shareholders
  • Shareholders’ derivative actions
  • Winding-up on just and equitable grounds
  • Sell-outs and buy-outs
  • Corporate deadlocks
  • Self-dealing by directors and employees (engaging in business for oneself which conflicts with the best interests of the company)
  • Applications for the review of a company’s financial records by an independent accountant

To contact us about a corporate / shareholders’ / partnership dispute, please click here.

Defamation & Reputation Management
Defamation & Reputation Management

Besides representing clients – both victims and defendants – in libel, slander and malicious falsehood actions in the Singapore courts, our lawyers also advise individuals and businesses on strategies designed to protect and manage their reputations in the face of hostile Internet / media reports, or false and defamatory publications.

We have also represented clients in the enforcement of defamation settlements. As an example, in 2016, we secured a substantial award of damages for our client – the claimant – arising from the defendant having defaulted on his obligations under a settlement agreement to post apologies and retractions of his defamatory statements on approx. 30 websites.

To contact us about a claim for defamation or malicious falsehood, please click here.


Our disputes counsel have advised and represented employers (both local and multinational) as well as employees in a variety of employment disputes in court and SIAC arbitrations, including the following :

  • Wrongful dismissal
  • Unpaid wages
  • Retrenchment / Redundancy benefits
  • Termination of employment
  • Restrictive covenants

To contact us about an employment dispute, please click here.

Energy & Natural Resources
Energy & Natural Resources

Our disputes counsel have represented individual and corporate clients alike in litigation and arbitrations relating to the development of natural resources, in particular oil and gas and coal operators, mining companies, and midstream companies. In the arena of oil and gas, we have acted for clients in disputes involving upstream and downstream matters as well as concessions and licensing, exploration, drilling, storage, transport, distribution, refining, pipeline management and downstream marketing.

Some examples of our lawyers’ work in this field, follow :

  • Representing an Indonesian client in a complex ICC arbitration against Indonesia’s state-owned oil and gas corporation involving a dispute over the latter’s refusal to fulfil its obligations under an Enhanced Oil Recovery contract and failure to act in “good faith” in accordance with Article 1338 (3) of the Indonesian Civil Code.  The client’s claim – which succeeded in part – exceeded US$100 million and the counterclaim (dismissed in the client’s favour) exceeded US$300 million.
  • Representing various prominent Indonesian clients and a related Singapore company in their dispute with an Indian national and his company over an US$100 million deal for the joint development of a coal concession in Kalimantan, Indonesia.  The dispute was successfully settled in April 2017.

To contact us about an energy or natural resources dispute, please click here.

Family & Matrimonial (Complex)
Family & Matrimonial (Complex)

Our lawyers have represented husbands and wives in complex, high-value matrimonial asset and spousal maintenance (alimony) claims and complicated child custody disputes.

Our work often involves foreign assets and cross-border issues. We have also had occasion to deal with pre-nuptial agreements made in foreign jurisdictions.

Our focus on complex matrimonial and custody litigation arises out of our affinity for the strategy and holistic planning required in such matters, and our experience in handling the multi-faceted and aggressive litigation that often ensues.

Such litigation may include, for example :

  • Applying for the imposition or discharge of interlocutory injunctions (e.g. to prevent a spouse from leaving Singapore with her / his children)
  • Applying for the imposition or discharge of a Mareva injunction (to stop a spouse from disposing of matrimonial assets)
  • Making or resisting discovery applications aimed at revealing the existence and whereabouts of potential / alleged matrimonial assets
  • Working with investigative accountants (to locate and list matrimonial assets)
  • Making or resisting applications to preserve matrimonial assets (e.g. through injunctions or caveats)
  • Working closely with foreign lawyers (where foreign assets / elements are involved)
  • Making urgent applications for child access or maintenance
  • Making or resisting applications for spousal maintenance / support
  • Working closely with medical and other experts on child custody issues

To contact us about a complex matrimonial or custody dispute, please click here.

Fraud, Conspiracy & Unjust Enrichment
Fraud, Conspiracy & Unjust Enrichment

We have extensive experience investigating, defending and prosecuting claims involving fraud, conspiracy and unjust enrichment.

Our disputes counsel are well-versed in handling cases involving the following, among others :

  • Breach of Trust / Fiduciary Duty
  • Business / Commercial Fraud
  • Conspiracy
  • Employee Dishonesty
  • Fraudulent trading by a company director
  • Investment fraud

We also have – as part of our arsenal – strong expertise in applying for (and resisting applications for) emergency relief and injunctions, including the following :

  • Mareva (Freezing) Injunctions
  • Anti-Suit Injunctions
  • Interim / Interlocutory Injunctions
  • Orders for Preservation of Subject Matter of Dispute
  • Orders for Samples / Investigations
  • Anton-Pilar (Search) Orders

Since 2011, we have handled cases involving Mareva (Freezing) Injunctions with a combined value in excess of US$ 1 billion.

To find out more about our Fraud, Conspiracy and Unjust Enrichment practice, please click here.

Medical Negligence & Misconduct
Medical Negligence & Misconduct

Our medical negligence and malpractice team is led by our Managing Partner, Edmund Kronenburg.

Edmund has handled a broad spectrum of medical negligence cases representing patients and their next-of-kin before the Singapore courts, including two landmark Court of Appeal cases. He is an Honorary Legal Advisor to the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (AMS), a member of the teaching faculty of the Singapore Medical Association’s (SMA) Centre for Medical Ethics and Professionalism (CMEP), and has lectured on Medical Negligence at the DUKE-NUS Medical School annually since 2009. For Edmund’s profile, please click here.


Our medical negligence and misconduct team has represented patients in a variety of medico-legal disputes including the following :

  • Misdiagnosis of condition
  • Misrepresentation of outcome
  • Misrepresentation of doctor’s credentials and expertise
  • Negligent advice on treatment options
  • Lack of informed consent
  • Delay in surgery and treatment
  • Negligent surgery and treatment
  • Substandard post-operative care

It also represents the Singapore Medical Council in disciplinary involving the professional misconduct of medical practitioners.


To contact us about a medico-legal claim or complaint, please click here.

Property & Tenancy
Property & Tenancy

Our lawyers have represented property owners, property purchasers, trustees, beneficiaries and occupiers as well as landlords and tenants, in a diverse range of property and landlord-tenant disputes, dealing with the following issues, among others :

  • Ownership
  • Boundaries
  • Mortgages
  • Licences
  • Easements
  • Physical damage
  • Occupiers’ liability
  • Strata title rights and obligations
  • Non-payment of rent
  • Failure to return deposits
  • Failure to adhere to landlords’ / tenants’ covenants
  • Distress and re-entry

To contact us about a property or landlord-tenant dispute, please click here.

Wealth, Inheritance & Probate
Wealth, Inheritance & Probate

Our disputes counsel have advised and represented family members, executors, administrators and beneficiaries in a wide range of wealth, inheritance and probate disputes, including the following issues, among others :

  • Asserted family trusts / arrangements
  • Undue influence upon testators
  • Wills made under “suspicious circumstances”

To contact us about a wealth, inheritance or probate dispute, please click here.


For more information on any of our services, or to find out how we might be able to assist you, please click below.